Linggo, Marso 11, 2012

        This movie is about Ishaan Avasti, an eight-year-old boy who constantly gets in trouble. He would much rather play with dogs than any other kids. Most of the times, he miss the bus because of sleeping and having a limitless dreams. He is different from his peers. He is lack of social skills and scores below average. His parents always get mad in him because he is a child misunderstood. His parents always notice his bad behavior and his laziness and lack of discipline. Therefore, they send him in a boarding school expecting that he would change and have a better attitude. In that school, there is a substitute art teacher who had an experience in catering to children with disabilities. And that teacher is the one who realize Ishaan’s problem, that Ishaan has a disability. The teacher is good enough to make him wants to learn and help him in studying. Soon, Ishaan was able to read and write with less difficulty and mistakes. The message of the movie is that special children should not be isolated from others. They need love and attention. We should not miss a person because they are not performing well. We should know the probable cause of the problem and try to find a solution for it. We should be the one who serves as an inspiration and a role model. We should encourage them in order foe them to excel. We should first try to understand them.

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