Linggo, Marso 11, 2012

Media always have great influence on people’s behavior
Elizabeth Newson is a reporter who alleged link between media violence and real life violence in her report in 1994. The report gained media attention when it claimed the horror film Child’s Play 3 had influence two 10-year-old boys’ behavior and led to the murder of James Bulger in February 1993. After examining and assessing Newson’s report, it was apparent that there was no clear link between the film and opinions rather than independent research. However, Newson’s report was influential and has led to more censorship of videos and more concern from the British Board of Film Classification on the psychological effects of media violence. But Martin Barker doesn’t agree with Newson. He reject her claim about the connection between media violence and real life violence, in his argument he justifies his position, he indicates that her was not a scrap of evidence that the boys had seen the movie and Child’s Play 3 is a moral film. Whatever the case may be, the attention and question become whether mass media including television, radio and newspaper have great influence in shaping people’s ideas and behavior.
Nowadays, some of us may believe that using mass media influence on the thoughts and behaviors of people. But, others think that what people do in their daily lives has nothing to do with it. However, I believe that media has s positive and negative effects on people’s behavior. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. My first reason is that many people watching films are influenced by the characters and scenes. For example, the last movies I’ve watched, “No Other Woman”, which I think touch many lives and influence people’s decision in love. Definitely, there are viewers who are in the same boat as what the characters portray. Some will learn on how to face that kind of situation and be brave enough to let go and to do what is right. In addition, many advertisements on TV have great influence in the decision of people. Most of us believe to those endorsers and patronized some products. On its negative side, some advertisement may not be good for those young and innocent minds of the children. Because there are some models who are almost nude, wearing bikinis, boxer shorts, bra and panty. Some people say, it is one of the reasons of high rate of rape cases. As if those advertisement are like poisons on people’s mind. It tempted people to do something evil.
My second reason is that media catches people’s attention. We turn to television and radio because we want some entertainment. It also serves as a source of knowledge and information. We can find out how the weather is going to be, what is the latest trend in fashion, showbiz and political news, what is happening in our country or even out of the country and so on. In watching TV, listening to the radio and in reading newspapers, we are influenced. For example, we heard news about what’s in for this year 2012, and then we try to apply it in ourselves. We do something that makes us in. We also idolized some public figures and some are influenced to look or dress like their idols. We admit or not, Filipinos are copycats. In fact, we enjoy seeing an impersonator. But of course, we are also known for our unique skills and talents. Filipinos are well known worldwide. We are recognized in different sports like soccer, billiards and boxing. There are also famous OFW’s in different countries that we should be proud of.
My third reason is that films affect the minds and perception of the viewers in a variety of way. If we go to the cinema to watch a movie, at the end of it people’s opinion may be different. We may see the film in different ways. And whatever lesson about it stays on our minds may not be something other viewers remember or catch up. On the other side, films sometimes trigger other people to do something bad. There are some cases that proves that media negatively influences behavior. For example, kids who often watch an action movie or those who plays video games that shows violence tend to do it in real life. They learn to transfer it to their friends and society. In fact, I can’t remember how many times I heard news about those children who accidentally killed their playmates. They are still innocent about many things and they think that handling guns is just a play. There are also some cases about children who have a sexually inappropriate behavior because of media influence. Definitely, media is a perfect example of how our society has changed.
In conclusion, media certainly influence people. It is sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful. Heavy exposure to it may lead to more aggressive behavior. So, people should not spend too much time watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspaper and playing video games. For those children, they should always be accompanied by their parents. And for us adults, we should not be copycats. We knew what is right and what is wrong. We should always be an inspiration and a role model. We should not always blame media. Besides, we have our own will and our own choice. What we do and what’s happening in our lives depends on us. We should not let media to harm us. There should always be a limitation on what to acquire.

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